We need your help

We rely entirely on volunteers and donations to make this week possible. It costs us £371 to provide a holiday to a child who needs one. Can you support us?

  • £4 would pay for a Wirral Camp T-shirt for a child
  • £10 would pay for a child's entrance to the indoor fun centre
  • £20 would pay for a child's food for the day
  • £50 would pay for an activity with a qualified instructor such as canoeing, abseiling, cave exploring or gorge walking
  • £100 would pay for two days of the holiday for a child
  • £335 would provide a carnival day for the children including a giant inflatable 'foam world'

Thank you for your support in giving disdavantaged children a holiday. Every penny you will donate will go directly to funding Wirral Camp.



Crafts being done