Want a FREE, easy way to receive new resources, and connect your young adults to social action.
At SVP1833 we recognise how busy life can get and how budgets don’t stretch far, so we’ve worked to offer new ways to connect.
If any of the below interests you, we would love to meet (either online or in person) to talk through how we can connect and support your young adults.
To register interest, ask any questions, book SVP1833 visit to your CathSoc/Chaplaincy, please email youngvincentians@svp.org.uk or call Kezia Harrow on 07917923605.
Become an affiliated SVP1833 group – this means that you receive our resources, funding towards places on the Catholic Student Network Leadership conference, a newsletter termly with events and opportunities for your students (events include work experience in a Catholic Charity, subsidised pilgrimages and retreats). Connection to local service projects without a need to do paperwork, other than one expression of interest form.
Sign up here- Apply to start a new Young Vincentians group | St Vincent de Paul Society
Become an SVP1833 Conference- In the model of conference groups such as those set up by Blessed Frederic Ozanam at the start of the SVP, you’ll get all the benefits of the affiliated groups, but we will also enable you to take on regulated activity like working in schools, prisons or visiting people in their own homes – this involves organising DBS checks and we’ll support you through the paperwork.
Sign up here- Apply to start a new Young Vincentians group | St Vincent de Paul Society
Individual membership offers the opportunity for young adults to connect and get involved in social action even if having a Conference is not possible. We can connect them to activities such as supporting the local SVP shop, collecting for SVP foodbanks, and campaigning for social justice. As individual members we will also send them resources to support their prayer life and connect them to other young adults who want to put their faith into action.
Sign up here- https://SVP1.formstack.com/forms/get_involved_with_svp1833