Our camp is one of many Vinnie camps that form part of the St Vincent de Paul Society, England and Wales. The Society has a number of programmes and connections with schools to involve youth. Safeguarding is of the highest importance to the work we do.
We're an annual holiday for children from the Wirral area.
For over 75 years a group of 55 children aged 9-11 are taken on a summer holiday to Snowdonia for an outdoor activity week. The camp, which is based at an outdoor education centre and run entirely by volunteers, includes a wide range of activities, from arts and crafts to canoeing, from nerf games to gorge walking. The activities are designed to help the children develop new confidence, skills and ultimately have a brilliant holiday together.
The holiday camp aims to bring children together from a variety of schools, neighbourhoods and backgrounds to allow them to have fun with new people whilst learning to work with other children, develop new skills, tackle fears by trying new activities and experiences and most importantly to have the opportunity to be children again despite the circumstances that may be present.

- Share with children the principles and guidance of the SVP Camps
- Create an atmosphere of fun, personal challenge and support, as appropriate to the situation
- Treat all equally and with respect and talk with everyone in an appropriate manner
- Challenge unacceptable behaviour and provide an example of what we do expect – we will not accept bullying, fighting or any form of discrimination on camp
- Respect the right to personal privacy
- Recognise that at times people will need personal time and space to think about issues that may be concerning them, and then be available if they want to share or need any support
- Sleeping/bathing arrangements at Camp will be arranged to ensure the fullest privacy for both boys and girls
- That you will help and support each other and the Camp Helpers to enjoy the Camp
- That you will do everything you can to take an active part in all activities/sessions knowing that it’s OK to not finish, but it’s more important that you at least tried
- That you won’t use foul and/or abusive language, or get involved in physical violence or threats towards others
- That you will respect the environment you’re in and reflect
- That you will be honest and considerate in your approach
- That you won’t intentionally damage Camp property or buildings
- That you will not make loud noises or cause disturbances at bedtimes