The common good is reached when we work together to improve the lives of people both in our local community, and in the wider world.
The SVP’s and CAFOD’s campaign wants to help the Catholic voice be heard in the next General Election, and we want to make sure our politicians make tackling poverty a priority.
The Church tells us that “…All citizens ought to be aware of their right and duty to promote the common good by casting their votes…”. But in order to arrive at the polling station as well informed as possible, it’s important to know our prospective MP’s views on the things that matter to us.
For this reason, the SVP and CAFOD are inviting parishes to reach out to their local candidates ahead of the next election. This is not about party political affiliations, but rather about strengthening community participation as a local faith group, and practicing the culture of encounter that Pope Francis talks about:
". . . with our faith we must create a "culture of encounter,” a culture of friendship, a culture in which we find brothers and sisters, in which we can also speak with those who think differently…"
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With over 5 million Catholics in the UK the next general election is an opportunity to bring attention to the big issues of our time.
This General Election booklet has been jointly produced by CAFOD and the SVP to provide some easy steps on how to reach out your local candidates. And hopefully you will meet other parishioners in your area and have some fun in the process too!