In celebration of Volunteers’ Week, the Yorkshire Evening Post published a series of articles looking at the work of local SVP volunteers:
- ‘Volunteers celebrated by charity’ – an overview of the SVP in Leeds
- ‘St Vincent’s appeal for volunteers’ – read about how the St Vincent’s Centre, Leeds, depends on its many committed volunteers
- ‘Shining a light on St Vincent’s’ – read about Anthony who found a new career direction by volunteering for St Vincent’s
- ‘Volunteers vital to St Vincent’s’ – read about how Livija has found confidence and made friends through volunteering
- ‘St Vincent’s volunteers help people’ – read about the excellent work done by St Jude’s helping people rebuild their lives
- ‘Volunteers making a difference’ - how hundreds of volunteer members of the SVP, visit and befriend the lonely and people in need
- ‘Community service that saves lives’ - how one SVP member, Geraldine Mee, joined her local SVP group and ended up saving the life of a 30 year old man with a disability
- ‘Former MP backs charity’ - how former Leeds MP and SVP Patron, John Battle came to be involved in the charity and what working with the marginalised means to him
- ‘Celebrating society volunteers’ - the valuable work of the SVP community support projects in Yorkshire, and how you can get involved