Happy and blessed Feast of St Vincent de Paul to all people inspired by his example!
Our Director for Membership, Jon Cornwall reflects on this significant day...
"Our patron is an example of encouraging others to notice and have confidence to respond to need.
He is an example of turning to loyal and trusted friends in order to learn and grow together.
He is an example of organising and planning larger and more profound responses to need than any small group of generous people could achieve.
He is an example of striving to see the face of Christ in the poor, of showing kindness and love, especially to those who feel least worthy of it. An example of a life committed to Christ being lived out in the church and on the streets.
How might we best enjoy a feast like today?
By keeping on doing what we are doing,
By taking a moment to pause and recognise the greatness we are a part of.
By inviting those we serve to take an even greater role in the work we do by praying and learning about our efforts elsewhere.
By considering what future needs we may need to respond to and put plans in place today.
By telling our stories to others and by allowing ourselves a moment to tell others who stand alongside us just how meaningful their impact is, to look forwards in hope to be loving friends to those we are still yet to meet."