in the press

Jesuit Refugee Service Chief talks about SVP and refugee potential

Former Minister Sarah Teather talks to SVP Senior Media and Communications Officer Anita Boniface about her faith journey from Liberal Democrats Education Minister to Director of the Jesuit (JRS) UK,...

community projects
in the press

Bringing the real joy of Christmas to the poor, sick and isolated

Christmas is a joyful season when families and friends spend time together enjoying food, friendship and good company – but for many it can bring fears of profound loneliness and isolation, or its a...

community projects
in the press

Faith into Action - a profile of SVP President-elect Helen O'Shea

Helen O'Shea will be the 19th National President of the St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) in England and Wales when she takes up the mantle from Adrian Abel this November.In a profile written for her...

in the press

Vincentian Heart Speaks Unto Heart at The Passage

On a hazy Tuesday morning in July Fr Padraig Ryan, a Catholic chaplain at the homelessness charity The Passage, invites SVP Senior Media and Communications Officer, Anita Boniface to attend a small...

in the press

Welcome the Stranger: SVP National Meeting in the Press

The SVP's contribution to the Vincentian Family's celebrations to mark 400 years of Vincentian charism took place with a well attended National Meeting and Mass in Liverpool on 23 and the keynote and...

in the press
Cardinal Vincent Nichols praises the SVP

Catholic Leader praises work of SVP

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Catholic leader in England and Wales and patron of the SVP, has praised the Society's 10,000 members for their work with people who are vulnerable.The Cardinal said: the SVP...

in the press

Inspiring 11 year old boy brings a little comfort to the homeless this winter

Finn Collins, 11, from Whitstable has come up with a great idea to help the homeless cope with the cold this winter. While looking through SVP cold weather packs - known as Vinnie Packs – that was a...

in the press

Celebrations take place to mark 170 years of the SVP in Hexham and Newcastle

SVP members from across the diocese gathered at a Festival Meeting at St Cuthbert’s North Shields to mark two significant anniversaries - the 170th anniversary of the parish SVP Conference and of of...

in the press
Ann Widdecombe, Patron of the St Vincent de Paul Society, England & Wales

Former MP Ann Widdecombe discusses her role as an SVP Patron

The SVP's good works are 'an outward sign of faith'In a profile for the Catholic Times, former MP Ann Widdecombe talks to SVP Senior Communications & Media Officer, Anita Boniface, about to balancing...

in the press

SVP Awareness Month asks "Who Cares?"

September marked the SVP’s annual awareness month, the theme this year asking “Who Cares?”With a focus on loneliness, hunger, material poverty and sickness, the campaign highlighted the work who...

in the press