
Vincentian Heart Speaks Unto Heart at The Passage

On a hazy Tuesday morning in July Fr Padraig Ryan, a Catholic chaplain at the homelessness charity The Passage, invites SVP Senior Media and Communications Officer, Anita Boniface to attend a small...

in the press

Welcome the Stranger: SVP National Meeting in the Press

The SVP's contribution to the Vincentian Family's celebrations to mark 400 years of Vincentian charism took place with a well attended National Meeting and Mass in Liverpool on 23 and the keynote and...

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New National President Elect for SVP

A new national president elect for the SVP in England and Wales has been announced. Helen O’Shea, a member of the SVP at St Joan of Arc’s Conference in Highbury, London, will take up the Adrian in...

Cardinal Vincent Nichols praises the SVP

Catholic Leader praises work of SVP

Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Catholic leader in England and Wales and patron of the SVP, has praised the Society's 10,000 members for their work with people who are vulnerable.The Cardinal said: the SVP...

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Inspiring 11 year old boy brings a little comfort to the homeless this winter

Finn Collins, 11, from Whitstable has come up with a great idea to help the homeless cope with the cold this winter. While looking through SVP cold weather packs - known as Vinnie Packs – that was a...

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