
Building brighter futures in India through student sponsorship

In India, one of the most populous and economically diverse countries in the world, the SVP has helped thousands of young people go to school through the SVP Student Sponsorship Scheme. During student...

in the press

Phased reopening of St Vincent's community shops

From 15 June, we'll start to safely reopen St Vincent's community shops in line with Government guidelines. Thank you for your patience and for holding onto your donations at home until we are accept...

community projects

SVP celebrates our volunteers during Volunteers' Week

During Volunteers' Week 2020 we celebrate our volunteers across the country for their incredible dedication and contribution to the SVP.SVP National President, Helen O'Shea, went live thank our a...

community projects

How the SVP is fighting food poverty during the Covid-19 crisis

The SVP has stepped up its support for people left in dire need by the Covid-19 crisis. Our 10,000 national volunteers who befriend lonely isolated people in their homes, have had to adapt to on and...

Covid-19 toolkit for Catholic parishes and groups

We are proud to partner with Caritas Social Action Network (CSAN) on guidance to help Catholic parishes and groups develop safe and effective responses to people in need during the Covid-19 CSAN we...

community projects
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