
Fighting poverty with kindness

The Covid-19 pandemic has added a host of dreaded words to our everyday vocabulary; furlough, antibody test, social distancing, and self-isolation being the most frequently used. However, there is to...

SVP President welcomes the power and passion of Fratelli Tutti 

Pope Francis’s latest encyclical, ‘Fratelli Tutti’, has been welcomed by the SVP as “a powerful and passionate declaration to all Christians that they should work in solidarity for the those 4...

in the press

SVP members rededicate at live streamed Mass

A series of special Masses were streamed live from the magnificent St Chad’s Cathedral in Birmingham to mark the feast day of St Vincent de Paul, and to celebrate the launch of the St Vincent Rise a...

Celebrate Feast of St Vincent de Paul with livestreamed Masses

To mark the feast of St Vincent de Paul this weekend, special livestreamed Masses will take place from St Chad’s Cathedral, Birmingham, at 12 noon and 2pm on Saturday 26 September and 10am and on 27...

Report predicts 670,000 Britons facing food poverty

A massive increase in food bank use has been predicted by the Trussell Trust in a new report. Analysis forecasts a 61% rise in food parcel distribution from October to December if urgent action is The...

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