
Giving children their childhood: SVP partnership work with India

A feature on the SVP's vital Twinnage partership work in India has been published by the Catholic Times.The SVP Indian Student Sponsorship Scheme is helping thousands of children and young and an an...

in the press

Happy Birthday to us!

SVP England and Wales has been seeking and finding those in need since February 12th 1844. The first meeting was held at the Sablonniere Hotel in London's Leicester Square (right). Only five there 14...

SVP's enduring relationship with Sudan and South Sudan

Sudan and what was to become the separate country of South Sudan have suffered enormously since civil war began between the two regions back in 1955. However, the SVP (set up in Sudan in 1939) a role...

The power of the SVP network in Kerala

The SVP network in Kerala, Southern India has been hard at work distributing around £370,000 of funds raised by the charity in England and Wales in the wake of the monsoon floods that 33,000 the SVP...

in the press

SVP's Greenhouse Project is a Success

The SVP is helping to run an innovative new project in a Secondary school in South West Lancashire. Teachers from De La Salle Catholic School in St Helen's have formed an SVP Conference within to get...

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