Are we on the level?

Do you ever wonder that if everyone had the same opportunities in life, would the ‘captains of industry’, the people on the TV and in films, or people in positions of power be the same as they I a...

1.	The St Vincent de Paul Society is working to tackle poverty in all its forms

Levelling Up White Paper is ‘a missed opportunity for the UK’

The government’s long-awaited Levelling Up White Paper represents a missed opportunity to address the ingrained social and economic disparity across the UK, says the St Vincent de Paul of State for...

The powerful act of realisation

Epiphany is a powerful word; it’s an instant of revelation, a pivotal moment of realisation when truth becomes manifest. For people of faith, Epiphany takes on added significance as the the divinity...


Restoring the dignity of work

It seems incongruous that people who work and earn money for their family are at risk of falling into poverty. It also seems unjust that low wages, work contracts which are not flexible enough, costs...

In-work poverty ‘blights the lives of children and young people’

“I worry that when I grow up, I won’t find a good job, and that if I find a job that doesn’t give me much money, I will be poor and homeless” - … Boy, 10The apprehension and fear of has in...

Give the gift of kindness this Christmas, urges the SVP

The St Vincent de Paul Society (SVP) is urging people across England and Wales to ‘give the gift of kindness’ this Christmas as it launches its Christmas Kindness Appeal.The appeal, which Giving a...

The eternal power of kindness

This festive season the gift of kindness will be more important than ever. Millions of people are at risk of being left behind as the world attempts to live with Covid and tries to move on.The agenda...

First Minister to attend St Vincent’s Ely Bridge opening

First Minister Mark Drakeford and Archbishop George Stack will be among dignitaries at the opening of a new community support centre in Ely on 22 November. Run and managed by the St Vincent de (SVP),...

Kick starting a new career

The government’s Kickstart scheme is proving to be a popular way for young people to gain experience in the world of work, but the SVP has taken the initiative to another level.Kickstart is work for...

SVP responds to the Chancellor’s Budget, October 27, 2021

Our social security system remains key to lifting people out of poverty. The £20 cut to Universal Credit has been a major blow to the millions of people across the country who are facing and food and...