Personal stories

Every day hundreds of lives are made that little bit easier thanks to the hard work and genorisity of our volunteers, members and donors. Read below about this work of turning concern into action, and consider how you can join us. 

Homeless person in tent

Our response to the proposed ban of tents for rough sleepers


We are extremely concerned about proposals by Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, to ban tents for people sleeping rough, and proposals to...

asylum seeker banner

Stand with Asylum Seekers and Refugees


Make your voice heard today, and raise your hand to show compassion towards refugees and asylum seekers. ...

Dr Greg Ryan with church in background

The SVP and Synodality


Dr Greg Ryan shared a lively and thought-provoking session on synodality at the National Meeting. His father Lawrence served for many a SVP...

foodbank with team

Make an impact


Join us in our mission to support communities, campaign for social justice, and befriend the lonely ...

Building with image of SVP team

Cardiff's Grand Avenues Project


The groundbreaking project reimagines probation services with communities at its core. Thomas Horton, the Strategy Lead for His and Service...

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